001// Generated from de/isas/lipidomics/palinom/SumFormula.g4 by ANTLR 4.7.2
002package de.isas.lipidomics.palinom;
003import org.antlr.v4.runtime.tree.ParseTreeVisitor;
006 * This interface defines a complete generic visitor for a parse tree produced
007 * by {@link SumFormulaParser}.
008 *
009 * @param <T> The return type of the visit operation. Use {@link Void} for
010 * operations with no return type.
011 */
012public interface SumFormulaVisitor<T> extends ParseTreeVisitor<T> {
013        /**
014         * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SumFormulaParser#molecule}.
015         * @param ctx the parse tree
016         * @return the visitor result
017         */
018        T visitMolecule(SumFormulaParser.MoleculeContext ctx);
019        /**
020         * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SumFormulaParser#molecule_rule}.
021         * @param ctx the parse tree
022         * @return the visitor result
023         */
024        T visitMolecule_rule(SumFormulaParser.Molecule_ruleContext ctx);
025        /**
026         * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SumFormulaParser#molecule_group}.
027         * @param ctx the parse tree
028         * @return the visitor result
029         */
030        T visitMolecule_group(SumFormulaParser.Molecule_groupContext ctx);
031        /**
032         * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SumFormulaParser#element_group}.
033         * @param ctx the parse tree
034         * @return the visitor result
035         */
036        T visitElement_group(SumFormulaParser.Element_groupContext ctx);
037        /**
038         * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SumFormulaParser#single_element}.
039         * @param ctx the parse tree
040         * @return the visitor result
041         */
042        T visitSingle_element(SumFormulaParser.Single_elementContext ctx);
043        /**
044         * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SumFormulaParser#element}.
045         * @param ctx the parse tree
046         * @return the visitor result
047         */
048        T visitElement(SumFormulaParser.ElementContext ctx);
049        /**
050         * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SumFormulaParser#count}.
051         * @param ctx the parse tree
052         * @return the visitor result
053         */
054        T visitCount(SumFormulaParser.CountContext ctx);
055        /**
056         * Visit a parse tree produced by {@link SumFormulaParser#digit}.
057         * @param ctx the parse tree
058         * @return the visitor result
059         */
060        T visitDigit(SumFormulaParser.DigitContext ctx);