* Copyright 2021 Dominik Kopczynski, Nils Hoffmann.
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
package org.lifstools.jgoslin.parser;
import org.lifstools.jgoslin.domain.LipidParsingException;
import org.lifstools.jgoslin.domain.StringFunctions;
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.HashMap;
import java.util.HashSet;
import java.util.Map.Entry;
import java.util.Optional;
import org.lifstools.jgoslin.domain.ConstraintViolationException;
* Abstract base class for parsers producing a parse result of type T. Uses a
* re-implementation of Cocke-Younger-Kasami (CYK) algorithm for context free
* grammars.
* @author Dominik Kopczynski
* @author Nils Hoffmann
* @param <T> the type of a successful parse result.
public abstract class Parser<T> {
// DP stands for dynamic programming
protected final class DPNode {
public long rule_index_1;
public long rule_index_2;
public DPNode left = null;
public DPNode right = null;
public DPNode(long _rule1, long _rule2, DPNode _left, DPNode _right) {
rule_index_1 = _rule1;
rule_index_2 = _rule2;
left = _left;
right = _right;
enum Context {
NoContext, InLineComment, InLongComment, InQuote
enum MatchWords {
NoMatch, LineCommentStart, LineCommentEnd, LongCommentStart, LongCommentEnd, Quote
protected static final int SHIFT = 32;
protected static final long MASK = (1L << SHIFT) - 1;
protected static final char RULE_ASSIGNMENT = ':';
protected static final char RULE_SEPARATOR = '|';
protected static final char RULE_TERMINAL = ';';
protected static final char EOF_SIGN = (char) 1;
protected static final long EOF_RULE = 1L;
protected static final long START_RULE = 2L;
protected static final String EOF_RULE_NAME = "EOF";
protected long nextFreeRuleIndex;
protected final HashMap<Character, HashSet<Long>> TtoNT = new HashMap<>();
protected final HashMap<Character, Long> originalTtoNT = new HashMap<>();
protected final HashMap<String, Long> ruleToNT = new HashMap<>();
protected final HashMap<Long, HashSet<Long>> NTtoNT = new HashMap<>();
protected final HashMap<Long, String> NTtoRule = new HashMap<>();
protected final HashMap<Long, ArrayList<Long>> substitution = new HashMap<>();
protected final ArrayList<Bitfield> rightPair = new ArrayList<>();
protected int avgPair;
protected char quote;
protected String grammarName = "";
protected boolean usedEof = false;
protected static final char DEFAULT_QUOTE = '\'';
public Parser(String grammarContent) {
this(grammarContent, (char) '\0');
public Parser(String grammarContent, char _quote) {
this.quote = (_quote != 0) ? _quote : DEFAULT_QUOTE;
public abstract BaseParserEventHandler<T> newEventHandler();
protected long get_next_free_rule_index() {
if (nextFreeRuleIndex <= MASK) {
return nextFreeRuleIndex++;
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Error: grammar is too big.");
protected final void readGrammar(String grammar) {
nextFreeRuleIndex = START_RULE;
grammarName = "";
usedEof = false;
// interpret the rules and create the structure for parsing
ArrayList<String> rules = extract_text_based_rules(grammar, quote);
ArrayList<String> tokens = StringFunctions.splitString(rules.get(0), ' ', quote);
grammarName = tokens.get(1);
TtoNT.put(EOF_SIGN, new HashSet<>());
for (String rule_line : rules) {
ArrayList<String> tokens_level_1 = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<String> line_tokens = StringFunctions.splitString(rule_line, RULE_ASSIGNMENT, quote);
for (String t : line_tokens) {
tokens_level_1.add(StringFunctions.strip(t, ' '));
if (tokens_level_1.size() != 2) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Error: corrupted token in grammar rule: '" + rule_line + "'");
ArrayList<String> rule_tokens = StringFunctions.splitString(tokens_level_1.get(0), ' ', quote);
if (rule_tokens.size() > 1) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Error: several rule names on left hand side in grammar rule: '" + rule_line + "'");
String rule = tokens_level_1.get(0);
if (rule.equals(EOF_RULE_NAME)) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Error: rule name is not allowed to be called EOF");
ArrayList<String> products = StringFunctions.splitString(tokens_level_1.get(1), RULE_SEPARATOR, quote);
for (int i = 0; i < products.size(); ++i) {
products.set(i, StringFunctions.strip(products.get(i), ' '));
if (!ruleToNT.containsKey(rule)) {
ruleToNT.put(rule, get_next_free_rule_index());
long new_rule_index = ruleToNT.get(rule);
if (!NTtoRule.containsKey(new_rule_index)) {
NTtoRule.put(new_rule_index, rule);
for (String product : products) {
ArrayList<String> non_terminals = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayDeque<Long> non_terminal_rules = new ArrayDeque<>();
ArrayList<String> product_rules = StringFunctions.splitString(product, ' ', quote);
for (String NT : product_rules) {
String stripedNT = StringFunctions.strip(NT, ' ');
if (is_terminal(stripedNT, quote)) {
stripedNT = de_escape(stripedNT, quote);
usedEof |= (stripedNT.equals(EOF_RULE_NAME));
String NTFirst = non_terminals.get(0);
if (non_terminals.size() > 1 || !is_terminal(NTFirst, quote) || NTFirst.length() != 3) {
for (String non_terminal : non_terminals) {
if (is_terminal(non_terminal, quote)) {
} else {
if (!ruleToNT.containsKey(non_terminal)) {
ruleToNT.put(non_terminal, get_next_free_rule_index());
} else {
char c = NTFirst.charAt(1);
long tRule = 0;
if (!TtoNT.containsKey(c)) {
tRule = get_next_free_rule_index();
TtoNT.put(c, new HashSet<>());
} else {
tRule = (new ArrayList<>(TtoNT.get(c))).get(0);
if (!NTtoNT.containsKey(tRule)) {
NTtoNT.put(tRule, new HashSet<>());
// more than two rules, insert intermediate rule indexes
while (non_terminal_rules.size() > 2) {
long rule_index_2 = non_terminal_rules.pollLast();
long rule_index_1 = non_terminal_rules.pollLast();
long key = compute_rule_key(rule_index_1, rule_index_2);
long next_index = get_next_free_rule_index();
if (!NTtoNT.containsKey(key)) {
NTtoNT.put(key, new HashSet<>());
// two product rules
if (non_terminal_rules.size() == 2) {
long rule_index_2 = non_terminal_rules.pollLast();
long rule_index_1 = non_terminal_rules.pollLast();
long key = compute_rule_key(rule_index_1, rule_index_2);
if (!NTtoNT.containsKey(key)) {
NTtoNT.put(key, new HashSet<>());
} // only one product rule
else if (non_terminal_rules.size() == 1) {
long rule_index_1 = non_terminal_rules.pollLast();
if (rule_index_1 == new_rule_index) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Error: corrupted token in grammar: rule '" + rule + "' is not allowed to refer soleley to itself.");
if (!NTtoNT.containsKey(rule_index_1)) {
NTtoNT.put(rule_index_1, new HashSet<>());
// keeping the original terminal dictionary
for (Entry<Character, HashSet<Long>> kv : TtoNT.entrySet()) {
for (long rule : kv.getValue()) {
originalTtoNT.put(kv.getKey(), rule);
// creating substitution dictionary for adding single rule chains into the parsing tree
HashSet<Long> visited = new HashSet<>();
for (Entry<Long, HashSet<Long>> kv : NTtoNT.entrySet()) {
HashSet<Long> values = new HashSet<>();
for (long rule : values) {
if (visited.contains(rule)) {
ArrayList<Long> topnodes = collect_one_backwards(rule);
for (long rule_top : topnodes) {
ArrayList< ArrayList<Long>> chains = collect_backwards(rule, rule_top);
for (ArrayList<Long> cchain : chains) {
ArrayList<Long> chain = cchain;
while (chain.size() > 1) {
long top = chain.get(0);
long key = kv.getKey() + (top << 16);
if (!substitution.containsKey(key)) {
substitution.put(key, chain);
if (chain.size() > 1) {
ArrayList<Long> new_chain = new ArrayList<>();
for (long e : chain) {
chain = new_chain;
} else {
// expanding terminal dictionary for single rule chains
HashSet<Character> keys = new HashSet<>();
for (Entry<Character, HashSet<Long>> key : TtoNT.entrySet()) {
for (char c : keys) {
HashSet<Long> k_rules = new HashSet<>();
for (long rule : TtoNT.get(c)) {
for (long rule : k_rules) {
ArrayList<Long> backward_rules = collect_one_backwards(rule);
for (long p : backward_rules) {
// expanding non-terminal dictionary for single rule chains
HashSet<Long> keysNT = new HashSet<>();
for (Entry<Long, HashSet<Long>> k : NTtoNT.entrySet()) {
for (long r : keysNT) {
HashSet<Long> k_rules = new HashSet<>();
for (long rr : NTtoNT.get(r)) {
for (long rule : k_rules) {
ArrayList<Long> backward_rules = collect_one_backwards(rule);
for (long p : backward_rules) {
// creating lookup table for right index pairs to a given left index
for (long i = 0; i < nextFreeRuleIndex; ++i) {
rightPair.add(new Bitfield((int) nextFreeRuleIndex));
for (Entry<Long, HashSet<Long>> kv : NTtoNT.entrySet()) {
if (kv.getKey() <= MASK) {
rightPair.get((int) ((kv.getKey() >>> SHIFT))).add((int) (kv.getKey() & MASK));
protected ArrayList<String> extract_text_based_rules(String grammar, char _quote) {
ArrayList<String> rules = null;
int grammar_length = grammar.length();
deleting comments to prepare for splitting the grammar in rules.
Therefore, we have to consider three different contexts, namely
within a quote, within a line comment, within a long comment.
As long as we are in one context, key words for starting / ending
the other contexts have to be ignored.
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
Context current_context = Context.NoContext;
int current_position = 0;
int last_escaped_backslash = -1;
for (int i = 0; i < grammar_length - 1; ++i) {
MatchWords match = MatchWords.NoMatch;
if (i > 0 && grammar.charAt(i) == '\\' && grammar.charAt(i - 1) == '\\' && last_escaped_backslash != i - 1) {
last_escaped_backslash = i;
if (grammar.charAt(i) == '/' && grammar.charAt(i + 1) == '/') {
match = MatchWords.LineCommentStart;
} else if (grammar.charAt(i) == '\n') {
match = MatchWords.LineCommentEnd;
} else if (grammar.charAt(i) == '/' && grammar.charAt(i + 1) == '*') {
match = MatchWords.LongCommentStart;
} else if (grammar.charAt(i) == '*' && grammar.charAt(i + 1) == '/') {
match = MatchWords.LongCommentEnd;
} else if (grammar.charAt(i) == _quote && !(i >= 1 && grammar.charAt(i - 1) == '\\' && i - 1 != last_escaped_backslash)) {
match = MatchWords.Quote;
if (match != MatchWords.NoMatch) {
switch (current_context) {
case NoContext:
switch (match) {
case LongCommentStart:
sb.append(grammar.substring(current_position, i));
current_context = Context.InLongComment;
case LineCommentStart:
sb.append(grammar.substring(current_position, i));
current_context = Context.InLineComment;
case Quote:
current_context = Context.InQuote;
case InQuote:
if (match == MatchWords.Quote) {
current_context = Context.NoContext;
case InLineComment:
if (match == MatchWords.LineCommentEnd) {
current_context = Context.NoContext;
current_position = i + 1;
case InLongComment:
if (match == MatchWords.LongCommentEnd) {
current_context = Context.NoContext;
current_position = i + 2;
if (current_context == Context.NoContext) {
sb.append(grammar.substring(current_position, grammar_length));
} else {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Error: corrupted grammar, ends either in comment or quote");
grammar = sb.toString();
grammar = grammar.replace("\r\n", "");
grammar = grammar.replace("\n", "");
grammar = grammar.replace("\r", "");
grammar = StringFunctions.strip(grammar, ' ');
if (grammar.charAt(grammar.length() - 1) != RULE_TERMINAL) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Error: corrupted grammar, last rule has no termininating sign, was: '" + grammar.substring(grammar.length() - 1) + "'");
rules = StringFunctions.splitString(grammar, RULE_TERMINAL, _quote);
if (rules.size() < 1) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Error: corrupted grammar, grammar is empty");
ArrayList<String> grammar_name_rule = StringFunctions.splitString(rules.get(0), ' ', _quote);
if (grammar_name_rule.size() > 0 && !grammar_name_rule.get(0).equals("grammar")) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Error: first rule must start with the keyword 'grammar'");
} else if (grammar_name_rule.size() != 2) {
throw new ConstraintViolationException("Error: incorrect first rule");
return rules;
protected long compute_rule_key(long rule_index_1, long rule_index_2) {
return (rule_index_1 << SHIFT) | rule_index_2;
// checking if string is terminal
protected boolean is_terminal(String product_token, char _quote) {
return product_token.charAt(0) == _quote && product_token.charAt(product_token.length() - 1) == _quote && product_token.length() > 2;
protected String de_escape(String text, char _quote) {
// remove the escape chars
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
boolean last_escape_char = false;
for (int i = 0; i < text.length(); ++i) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
boolean escape_char = false;
if (c != '\\') {
} else {
if (!last_escape_char) {
escape_char = true;
} else {
last_escape_char = escape_char;
return sb.toString();
// splitting the whole terminal in a tree structure where characters of terminal are the leafs and the inner nodes are added non terminal rules
protected long add_terminal(String text) {
ArrayDeque<Long> terminal_rules = new ArrayDeque<>();
for (int i = 1; i < text.length() - 1; ++i) {
char c = text.charAt(i);
long tRule = 0;
if (!TtoNT.containsKey(c)) {
tRule = get_next_free_rule_index();
TtoNT.put(c, new HashSet<>());
} else {
tRule = (new ArrayList<>(TtoNT.get(c))).get(0);
while (terminal_rules.size() > 1) {
long rule_index_2 = terminal_rules.pollLast();
long rule_index_1 = terminal_rules.pollLast();
long next_index = get_next_free_rule_index();
long key = compute_rule_key(rule_index_1, rule_index_2);
if (!NTtoNT.containsKey(key)) {
NTtoNT.put(key, new HashSet<>());
return terminal_rules.pollLast();
protected ArrayList<Long> top_nodes(long rule_index) {
ArrayList<Long> collection = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList<Long> collection_top = new ArrayList<>();
int i = 0;
while (i < collection.size()) {
long current_index = collection.get(i);
if (!NTtoNT.containsKey(current_index)) {
for (long previous_index : NTtoNT.get(current_index)) {
} else {
return collection_top;
// expanding singleton rules, e.g. S . A, A . B, B . C
protected ArrayList<Long> collect_one_backwards(Long rule_index) {
ArrayList<Long> collection = new ArrayList<>();
int i = 0;
while (i < collection.size()) {
long current_index = collection.get(i);
if (NTtoNT.containsKey(current_index)) {
for (long previous_index : NTtoNT.get(current_index)) {
return collection;
protected ArrayList< ArrayList<Long>> collect_backwards(Long child_rule_index, Long parent_rule_index) {
HashSet<Long> visited = new HashSet<>();
ArrayList<Long> path = new ArrayList<>();
ArrayList< ArrayList<Long>> collection = new ArrayList<>();
return collect_backwards(child_rule_index, parent_rule_index, visited, path, collection);
protected ArrayList< ArrayList<Long>> collect_backwards(long child_rule_index, long parent_rule_index, HashSet<Long> visited, ArrayList<Long> path, ArrayList< ArrayList<Long>> collection) {
// provides all single linkage paths from a child rule to a parent rule,
// and yes, there can be several paths
if (!NTtoNT.containsKey(child_rule_index)) {
return collection;
for (long previous_rule : NTtoNT.get(child_rule_index)) {
if (!visited.contains(previous_rule)) {
if (previous_rule == parent_rule_index) {
ArrayList<Long> found_path = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i = path.size() - 1; i >= 0; --i) {
} else {
collection = collect_backwards(previous_rule, parent_rule_index, visited, path, collection);
path.remove(path.size() - 1);
return collection;
protected void raise_events(TreeNode node, BaseParserEventHandler parserEventHandler) {
if (node != null) {
String node_rule_name = node.fire_event ? NTtoRule.get(node.rule_index) : "";
if (node.fire_event) {
parserEventHandler.handleEvent(node_rule_name + "_pre_event", node);
if (node.left != null) { // node.terminal is != None when node is leaf
raise_events(node.left, parserEventHandler);
if (node.right != null) {
raise_events(node.right, parserEventHandler);
if (node.fire_event) {
parserEventHandler.handleEvent(node_rule_name + "_post_event", node);
// filling the syntax tree including events
protected void fill_tree(TreeNode node, DPNode dp_node) {
// checking and extending nodes for single rule chains
long bottom_rule = 0, top_rule = 0;
if (dp_node.left != null) {
bottom_rule = compute_rule_key(dp_node.rule_index_1, dp_node.rule_index_2);
top_rule = node.rule_index;
} else {
top_rule = dp_node.rule_index_2;
bottom_rule = originalTtoNT.get((char) dp_node.rule_index_1);
long subst_key = bottom_rule + (top_rule << 16);
if ((bottom_rule != top_rule) && (substitution.containsKey(subst_key))) {
for (long rule_index : substitution.get(subst_key)) {
node.left = new TreeNode(rule_index, NTtoRule.containsKey(rule_index));
node = node.left;
if (dp_node.left != null) { // None => leaf
node.left = new TreeNode(dp_node.rule_index_1, NTtoRule.containsKey(dp_node.rule_index_1));
node.right = new TreeNode(dp_node.rule_index_2, NTtoRule.containsKey(dp_node.rule_index_2));
fill_tree(node.left, dp_node.left);
fill_tree(node.right, dp_node.right);
} else {
// I know, it is not 100% clean to store the character in an integer
// especially when it is not the dedicated attribute for, but the heck with it!
node.terminal = (char) dp_node.rule_index_1;
* Parse the given text, constructing the output object of type T using the
* provided parser event handler.
* @param textToParse the text to parse.
* @param parserEventHandler the parser event handler to process events
* created by the parser.
* @return the parsed object of type T if successful, otherwise an exception
* will be thrown.
* @throws LipidParsingException
public T parse(String textToParse, BaseParserEventHandler<T> parserEventHandler) {
return parse(textToParse, parserEventHandler, true);
* Parse the given text, constructing the output object of type T using the
* provided parser event handler.Allows the user to specify, if exceptions
* should be thrown on errors.
* @param textToParse the text to parse.
* @param parserEventHandler the parser event handler to process events
* created by the parser.
* @param throwError if true, throws exception if parsing was not
* successful.
* @return the parsed object of type T if successful, otherwise {@code null}, if throwError is {@code false}.
public T parse(String textToParse, BaseParserEventHandler<T> parserEventHandler, boolean throwError) {
String old_text = textToParse;
if (usedEof) {
textToParse += EOF_SIGN;
parserEventHandler.content = null;
// adding all rule names into the event handler
for (Entry<String, Long> rule_name : ruleToNT.entrySet()) {
try {
Optional<ParsingErrors> parsingErrors = parse_regular(textToParse, parserEventHandler);
if (parsingErrors.isPresent() && !parsingErrors.get().wordInGrammar) {
if (throwError) {
throw new LipidParsingException("Lipid '" + old_text + "' can not be parsed by grammar '" + grammarName + "'");
} else {
parserEventHandler.errorMessage = parsingErrors.get().errorMessage;
} catch (RuntimeException lpe) {
if (throwError) {
throw new LipidParsingException("Lipid '" + old_text + "' can not be parsed by grammar '" + grammarName + "': ", lpe);
} else {
parserEventHandler.errorMessage = lpe.getLocalizedMessage();
return parserEventHandler.content;
protected class ParsingErrors {
final boolean wordInGrammar;
final String errorMessage;
ParsingErrors(boolean wordInGrammar, String errorMessage) {
this.wordInGrammar = wordInGrammar;
this.errorMessage = errorMessage;
protected Optional<ParsingErrors> parse_regular(String text_to_parse, BaseParserEventHandler<T> parserEventHandler) {
boolean wordInGrammar = false;
int n = text_to_parse.length();
// dp stands for dynamic programming, nothing else
ArrayList< ArrayList< HashMap<Long, DPNode>>> DP = new ArrayList<>();
// Ks is a lookup, which fields in the DP are filled
Bitfield[] Ks = new Bitfield[n];
// init the tables
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
ArrayList< HashMap<Long, DPNode>> list = new ArrayList<>();
for (int j = 0; j < n - i; ++j) {
list.add(new HashMap<>());
Ks[i] = new Bitfield(n);
boolean requirement_fulfilled = true;
for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i) {
char c = text_to_parse.charAt(i);
if (!TtoNT.containsKey(c)) {
requirement_fulfilled = false;
for (long T_rule_index : TtoNT.get(c)) {
DPNode dp_node = new DPNode(c, T_rule_index, null, null);
DP.get(i).get(0).put(T_rule_index, dp_node);
if (requirement_fulfilled) {
for (int i = 1; i < n; ++i) {
int im1 = i - 1;
for (int j = 0; j < n - i; ++j) {
ArrayList< HashMap<Long, DPNode>> DPj = DP.get(j);
HashMap<Long, DPNode> DPji = DPj.get(i);
int jp1 = j + 1;
while (Ks[j].hasNext()) {
int k = Ks[j].next();
int jpok = jp1 + k;
int im1mk = im1 - k;
if (Ks[jpok].find(im1mk)) {
for (Entry<Long, DPNode> index_pair_1 : DP.get(j).get(k).entrySet()) {
Bitfield b = rightPair.get((int) (long) index_pair_1.getKey());
for (Entry<Long, DPNode> index_pair_2 : DP.get(jpok).get(im1mk).entrySet()) {
if (b.find((int) (long) index_pair_2.getKey())) {
long key = compute_rule_key(index_pair_1.getKey(), index_pair_2.getKey());
DPNode content = new DPNode(index_pair_1.getKey(), index_pair_2.getKey(), index_pair_1.getValue(), index_pair_2.getValue());
for (long rule_index : NTtoNT.get(key)) {
if (!DPji.containsKey(rule_index)) {
DPji.put(rule_index, content);
if (DPji.size() > 0) {
for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) {
if (DP.get(0).get(i).containsKey(START_RULE)) {
wordInGrammar = true;
TreeNode parse_tree = new TreeNode(START_RULE, NTtoRule.containsKey(START_RULE));
fill_tree(parse_tree, DP.get(0).get(i).get(START_RULE));
raise_events(parse_tree, parserEventHandler);
if (!wordInGrammar) {
for (int i = n - 1; i > 0; --i) {
if (DP.get(0).get(i).size() > 0) {
long first_rule = DP.get(0).get(i).keySet().iterator().next();
TreeNode parse_tree = new TreeNode(first_rule, NTtoRule.containsKey(first_rule));
fill_tree(parse_tree, DP.get(0).get(i).get(first_rule));
return Optional.of(new ParsingErrors(wordInGrammar, parse_tree.getText()));
// break;
return Optional.empty();