002 * mzTab-M reference implementation and validation API.
003 * This is the mzTab-M reference implementation and validation API service.
004 *
005 * OpenAPI spec version: 2.0.0
006 * Contact: nils.hoffmann@isas.de
007 *
008 * NOTE: This class is auto generated by the swagger code generator program.
009 * https://github.com/swagger-api/swagger-codegen.git
010 * Do not edit the class manually.
011 */
014package de.isas.mztab2.model;
016import java.util.Objects;
017import java.util.Arrays;
018import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonProperty;
019import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonCreator;
020import com.fasterxml.jackson.annotation.JsonValue;
021import de.isas.mztab2.model.IndexedElement;
022import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModel;
023import io.swagger.annotations.ApiModelProperty;
024import com.fasterxml.jackson.dataformat.xml.annotation.*;
025import javax.xml.bind.annotation.*;
026import javax.validation.constraints.*;
027import javax.validation.Valid;
028import de.isas.lipidomics.mztab2.validation.constraints.*;
030 * 
031 * mzTab makes use of CV parameters. As mzTab is expected to be used in several experimental environments where parameters might not yet be available for the generated scores etc. all parameters can either report CV parameters or user parameters that only contain a name and a value.
032Parameters are always reported as [CV label, accession, name, value]. Any field that is not available MUST be left empty.
034 * 
035 *
036 * <p>mzTab-M specification example(s):</p>
037 * <pre><code>[MS, MS:1001477, SpectraST,]
038[,,A user parameter, The value]
040 * 
041 *
042 */
043@ApiModel(description = "mzTab makes use of CV parameters. As mzTab is expected to be used in several experimental environments where parameters might not yet be available for the generated scores etc. all parameters can either report CV parameters or user parameters that only contain a name and a value. Parameters are always reported as [CV label, accession, name, value]. Any field that is not available MUST be left empty. ")
044@javax.annotation.Generated(value = "io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen", date = "2020-02-11T15:12:05.057+01:00")
045@XmlRootElement(name = "Parameter")
047@JacksonXmlRootElement(localName = "Parameter")
048public class Parameter extends IndexedElement {
050  /**
051   * Property enumeration for Parameter.
052   */
053  public static enum Properties {
054      cvLabel("cv_label"), 
055      cvAccession("cv_accession"), 
056      name("name"), 
057      value("value");
059    private final String propertyName;
061    private Properties(String propertyName) {
062      this.propertyName = propertyName;
063    }
065    public String getPropertyName() {
066      return propertyName;
067    }
069    public String toString() {
070      return propertyName;
071    }
073    public String toUpper() {
074      return propertyName.toUpperCase();
075    }
077    public static Properties of(String value) {
078      if(value==null) {
079        throw new NullPointerException("Argument value must not be null!");
080      }
081      return Arrays.asList(Properties.values()).stream().filter(m -> m.propertyName.equals(value.toLowerCase())).findAny().orElseThrow(IllegalArgumentException::new);
082    }
083  };
085  @JsonProperty("cv_label")
086  @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "cv_label")
087  @XmlElement(name = "cv_label")
088  private String cvLabel = "";
089  @JsonProperty("cv_accession")
090  @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "cv_accession")
091  @XmlElement(name = "cv_accession")
092  private String cvAccession = "";
093  @JsonProperty("name")
094  @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "name")
095  @XmlElement(name = "name")
096  private String name = null;
097  @JsonProperty("value")
098  @JacksonXmlProperty(localName = "value")
099  @XmlElement(name = "value")
100  private String value = "";
102  @Override
103  public Parameter id(Integer id) {
104   super.setId(id);
105   return this;
106  }
108  @Override
109  public Parameter elementType(String elementType) {
110   super.setElementType(elementType);
111   return this;
112  }
114 /**
115   * Builder method for cvLabel.
116   *
117   * @see Parameter#setCvLabel Parameter#setCvLabel for specification examples
118   * @see Parameter#getCvLabel Parameter#getCvLabel for validation constraints
119   * @param cvLabel a {@code String} parameter.
120   * @return Parameter
121  **/
122  public Parameter cvLabel(String cvLabel) {
123   this.cvLabel = cvLabel;
124   return this;
125  }
127   /**
128   * <p>Get cvLabel.</p>
129   *
130   * @return cvLabel
131  **/
132  @ApiModelProperty(value = "")
133  public String getCvLabel() {
134    return cvLabel;
135  }
137 /**
138   * Set cvLabel.
139   *
140   * 
141   * 
142   * @see #getCvLabel Parameter#getCvLabel for validation constraints
143   * @param cvLabel a {@code String} parameter.
144  **/
145  public void setCvLabel(String cvLabel) {
146    this.cvLabel = cvLabel;
147  }
150 /**
151   * Builder method for cvAccession.
152   *
153   * @see Parameter#setCvAccession Parameter#setCvAccession for specification examples
154   * @see Parameter#getCvAccession Parameter#getCvAccession for validation constraints
155   * @param cvAccession a {@code String} parameter.
156   * @return Parameter
157  **/
158  public Parameter cvAccession(String cvAccession) {
159   this.cvAccession = cvAccession;
160   return this;
161  }
163   /**
164   * <p>Get cvAccession.</p>
165   *
166   * @return cvAccession
167  **/
168  @ApiModelProperty(value = "")
169  public String getCvAccession() {
170    return cvAccession;
171  }
173 /**
174   * Set cvAccession.
175   *
176   * 
177   * 
178   * @see #getCvAccession Parameter#getCvAccession for validation constraints
179   * @param cvAccession a {@code String} parameter.
180  **/
181  public void setCvAccession(String cvAccession) {
182    this.cvAccession = cvAccession;
183  }
186 /**
187   * Builder method for name.
188   *
189   * @see Parameter#setName Parameter#setName for specification examples
190   * @see Parameter#getName Parameter#getName for validation constraints
191   * @param name a {@code String} parameter.
192   * @return Parameter
193  **/
194  public Parameter name(String name) {
195   this.name = name;
196   return this;
197  }
199   /**
200   * <p>Get name.</p>
201   *
202   * @return name
203  **/
204  @NotNull
205  @ApiModelProperty(required = true, value = "")
206  public String getName() {
207    return name;
208  }
210 /**
211   * Set name.
212   *
213   * 
214   * 
215   * @see #getName Parameter#getName for validation constraints
216   * @param name a {@code String} parameter.
217  **/
218  public void setName(String name) {
219    this.name = name;
220  }
223 /**
224   * Builder method for value.
225   *
226   * @see Parameter#setValue Parameter#setValue for specification examples
227   * @see Parameter#getValue Parameter#getValue for validation constraints
228   * @param value a {@code String} parameter.
229   * @return Parameter
230  **/
231  public Parameter value(String value) {
232   this.value = value;
233   return this;
234  }
236   /**
237   * <p>Get value.</p>
238   *
239   * @return value
240  **/
241  @NotNull
242  @ApiModelProperty(required = true, value = "")
243  public String getValue() {
244    return value;
245  }
247 /**
248   * Set value.
249   *
250   * 
251   * 
252   * @see #getValue Parameter#getValue for validation constraints
253   * @param value a {@code String} parameter.
254  **/
255  public void setValue(String value) {
256    this.value = value;
257  }
260  @Override
261  public boolean equals(java.lang.Object o) {
262    if (this == o) {
263      return true;
264    }
265    if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) {
266      return false;
267    }
268    Parameter parameter = (Parameter) o;
269    return Objects.equals(this.cvLabel, parameter.cvLabel) &&
270        Objects.equals(this.cvAccession, parameter.cvAccession) &&
271        Objects.equals(this.name, parameter.name) &&
272        Objects.equals(this.value, parameter.value) &&
273        super.equals(o);
274  }
276  @Override
277  public int hashCode() {
278    return Objects.hash(cvLabel, cvAccession, name, value, super.hashCode());
279  }
282  @Override
283  public String toString() {
284    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
285    sb.append("class Parameter {\n");
286    sb.append("    ").append(toIndentedString(super.toString())).append("\n");
287    sb.append("    cvLabel: ").append(toIndentedString(cvLabel)).append("\n");
288    sb.append("    cvAccession: ").append(toIndentedString(cvAccession)).append("\n");
289    sb.append("    name: ").append(toIndentedString(name)).append("\n");
290    sb.append("    value: ").append(toIndentedString(value)).append("\n");
291    sb.append("}");
292    return sb.toString();
293  }
295  /**
296   * Convert the given object to string with each line indented by 4 spaces
297   * (except the first line).
298   */
299  private String toIndentedString(java.lang.Object o) {
300    if (o == null) {
301      return "null";
302    }
303    return o.toString().replace("\n", "\n    ");
304  }