Package de.isas.mztab2.model

Base package for the jmztab-m data model, generated from the mzTab_m_swagger.yml specification. The MzTab object is the root of the mzTab-M model hierarchy. It contains the following child sections:
  • Metadata - The metadata section provides additional information about the dataset(s) reported in the mzTab file
  • SmallMoleculeSummary - Each row of the small molecule summary section is intended to report one final result to be communicated in terms of a molecule that has been quantified.
  • SmallMoleculeFeature - Each row of the small molecule feature section represents individual MS regions (generally considered to be the elution profile for all isotopomers formed from a single charge state of a molecule), that have been measured/quantified. Different adducts or derivatives and different charge states of individual molecules should be reported as separate SMF rows.
  • SmallMoleculeEvidence - Each row of the small molecule evidence section represents evidence for identifications of small molecules/features, from database search or any other process used to give putative identifications to molecules. In a typical case, each row represents one result from a single search or intepretation of a piece of evidence e.g. a database search with a fragmentation spectrum. Multiple results from a given input data item (e.g. one fragment spectrum) SHOULD share the same value under evidence_input_id.