Class Assay

  • @Generated(value="io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen",
    public class Assay
    extends IndexedElement
    Specification of assay. (empty) name: A name for each assay, to serve as a list of the assays that MUST be reported in the following tables. custom: Additional custom parameters or values for a given assay. external_uri: An external reference uri to further information about the assay, for example via a reference to an object within an ISA-TAB file. sample_ref: An association from a given assay to the sample analysed. ms_run_ref: An association from a given assay to the source MS run. All assays MUST reference exactly one ms_run unless a workflow with pre-fractionation is being encoded, in which case each assay MUST reference n ms_runs where n fractions have been collected. Multiple assays SHOULD reference the same ms_run to capture multiplexed experimental designs.