Class StudyVariable

  • @Generated(value="io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen",
    public class StudyVariable
    extends IndexedElement
    Specification of study_variable. (empty) name: A name for each study variable (experimental condition or factor), to serve as a list of the study variables that MUST be reported in the following tables. For software that does not capture study variables, a single study variable MUST be reported, linking to all assays. This single study variable MUST have the identifier “undefined“. assay_refs: Bar-separated references to the IDs of assays grouped in the study variable. average_function: The function used to calculate the study variable quantification value and the operation used is not arithmetic mean (default) e.g. “geometric mean”, “median”. The 1-n refers to different study variables. variation_function: The function used to calculate the study variable quantification variation value if it is reported and the operation used is not coefficient of variation (default) e.g. “standard error”. description: A textual description of the study variable. factors: Additional parameters or factors, separated by bars, that are known about study variables allowing the capture of more complex, such as nested designs.

    mzTab-M specification example(s):

    MTD     study_variable[1]       control
    MTD     study_variable[1]-assay_refs    assay[1]| assay[2]| assay[3]
    MTD     study_variable-average_function [MS, MS:1002883, median, ]
    MTD     study_variable-variation_function       [MS, MS:1002885, standard error, ]
    MTD     study_variable[1]-description   Group B (spike-in 0.74 fmol/uL)
    MTD     study_variable[1]-factors       [,,time point, 1 minute]|[,,rapamycin dose,0.5mg]
    MTD     study_variable[2]       1 minute 0.5mg rapamycin