Class Instrument

  • @Generated(value="io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen",
    public class Instrument
    extends Object
    The name, source, analyzer and detector of the instruments used in the experiment. Multiple instruments are numbered [1-n].

    mzTab-M specification example(s):

    MTD     instrument[1]-name      [MS, MS:1000449, LTQ Orbitrap,]
    MTD     instrument[1]-source    [MS, MS:1000073, ESI,]
    MTD     instrument[2]-source    [MS, MS:1000598, ETD,]
    MTD     instrument[1]-analyzer[1]       [MS, MS:1000291, linear ion trap,]
    MTD     instrument[2]-analyzer[1]       [MS, MS:1000484, orbitrap,]
    MTD     instrument[1]-detector  [MS, MS:1000253, electron multiplier,]
    MTD     instrument[2]-detector  [MS, MS:1000348, focal plane collector,]