Class Sample

  • @Generated(value="io.swagger.codegen.languages.JavaClientCodegen",
    public class Sample
    extends Object
    Specification of sample. (empty) name: A name for each sample to serve as a list of the samples that MUST be reported in the following tables. Samples MUST be reported if a statistical design is being captured (i.e. bio or tech replicates). If the type of replicates are not known, samples SHOULD NOT be reported. species: The respective species of the samples analysed. For more complex cases, such as metagenomics, optional columns and userParams should be used. tissue: The respective tissue(s) of the sample. cell_type: The respective cell type(s) of the sample. disease: The respective disease(s) of the sample. description: A human readable description of the sample. custom: Custom parameters describing the sample's additional properties. Dates MUST be provided in ISO-8601 format.

    mzTab-M specification example(s):

    COM     Experiment where all samples consisted of the same two species
    MTD     sample[1]       individual number 1
    MTD     sample[1]-species[1]    [NCBITaxon, NCBITaxon:9606, Homo sapiens, ]
    MTD     sample[1]-tissue[1]     [BTO, BTO:0000759, liver, ]
    MTD     sample[1]-cell_type[1]  [CL, CL:0000182, hepatocyte, ]
    MTD     sample[1]-disease[1]    [DOID, DOID:684, hepatocellular carcinoma, ]
    MTD     sample[1]-disease[2]    [DOID, DOID:9451, alcoholic fatty liver, ]
    MTD     sample[1]-description   Hepatocellular carcinoma samples.
    MTD     sample[1]-custom[1]     [,,Extraction date, 2011-12-21]
    MTD     sample[1]-custom[2]     [,,Extraction reason, liver biopsy]
    MTD     sample[2]       individual number 2
    MTD     sample[2]-species[1]    [NCBITaxon, NCBITaxon:9606, Homo sapiens, ]
    MTD     sample[2]-tissue[1]     [BTO, BTO:0000759, liver, ]
    MTD     sample[2]-cell_type[1]  [CL, CL:0000182, hepatocyte, ]
    MTD     sample[2]-description   Healthy control samples.