All functions |
ApiClient |
ApiResponse |
Assay |
CV |
ColumnParameterMapping |
Comment |
Contact |
Database |
Error |
Instrument |
Metadata |
MsRun |
MzTab |
OptColumnMapping |
Parameter |
Publication |
PublicationItem |
Sample |
SampleProcessing |
SmallMoleculeEvidence |
SmallMoleculeFeature |
SmallMoleculeSummary |
Software |
SpectraRef |
StudyVariable |
Uri |
Validate operations |
ValidatePlain operations |
ValidationMessage |
Extends jsonlite's as.scalar method. |
convertMzTab2MAF |
Extract the Comment from data frame. |
Extract metadata from data frame. |
Extract the SmallMoleculeEvidence from data frame. |
Extract the SmallMoleculeFeatures from data frame. |
Extract the SmallMoleculeSummary from data frame. |
Read mzTab-M file into data frame. |
Read an mzTab-M string into a data frame. |
Extends jsonlite's safe_unbox method. |
Validate the provided mztab object against the online mzTab-M validator. |
Check if x is null. If so, return defaultValue, otherwise run function on x and return the result. If a value x is encountered that is NULL, and nullable is set to FALSE, execution will be stopped and an error message will be printed. |
Write MzTab object as TSV to file. |
Write MzTab object as JSON to file. |