Assay |
Specification of assay.
Assay.Properties |
Property enumeration for Assay.
ColumnParameterMapping |
Defines the used unit for a column in the mzTab-M file.
ColumnParameterMapping.Properties |
Property enumeration for ColumnParameterMapping.
Comment |
Comment lines can be placed anywhere in an mzTab file.
Comment.PrefixEnum |
Gets or Sets prefix
Comment.Properties |
Property enumeration for Comment.
Contact |
The contact’s name, affiliation and e-mail.
Contact.Properties |
Property enumeration for Contact.
CV |
Specification of controlled vocabularies.
label: A string describing the labels of the controlled vocabularies/ontologies used in the mzTab file as a short-hand e.g.
CV.Properties |
Property enumeration for CV.
Database |
Specification of databases.
Database.Properties |
Property enumeration for Database.
Error |
Error.Properties |
Property enumeration for Error.
IndexedElement |
Indexed elements (IDs) define a unique ID for a collection of multiple
metadata elements of the same type within the mzTab-M document, e.g. for
sample, assay, study variable etc.
Instrument |
The name, source, analyzer and detector of the instruments used in the experiment.
Instrument.Properties |
Property enumeration for Instrument.
Metadata |
The metadata section provides additional information about the dataset(s) reported in the mzTab file.
Metadata.PrefixEnum |
The metadata section prefix.
Metadata.Properties |
Property enumeration for Metadata.
MsRun |
Specification of ms_run.
MsRun.Properties |
Property enumeration for MsRun.
MzTab |
mzTab-M is intended as a reporting standard for quantitative results from metabolomics/lipodomics approaches.
MzTab.Properties |
Property enumeration for MzTab.
OptColumnMapping |
Additional columns can be added to the end of the small molecule table.
OptColumnMapping.Properties |
Property enumeration for OptColumnMapping.
Parameter |
mzTab makes use of CV parameters.
Parameter.Properties |
Property enumeration for Parameter.
Publication |
A publication associated with this file.
Publication.Properties |
Property enumeration for Publication.
PublicationItem |
A publication item, defined by a qualifier and a native accession, e.g. pubmed id.
PublicationItem.Properties |
Property enumeration for PublicationItem.
PublicationItem.TypeEnum |
The type qualifier of this publication item.
Sample |
Specification of sample.
Sample.Properties |
Property enumeration for Sample.
SampleProcessing |
A list of parameters describing a sample processing, preparation or handling step similar to a biological or analytical methods report.
SampleProcessing.Properties |
Property enumeration for SampleProcessing.
SmallMoleculeEvidence |
The small molecule evidence section is table-based, representing evidence for identifications of small molecules/features, from database search or any other process used to give putative identifications to molecules.
SmallMoleculeEvidence.HeaderPrefixEnum |
The small molecule evidence table header prefix.
SmallMoleculeEvidence.PrefixEnum |
The small molecule evidence table row prefix.
SmallMoleculeEvidence.Properties |
Property enumeration for SmallMoleculeEvidence.
SmallMoleculeFeature |
The small molecule feature section is table-based, representing individual MS regions (generally considered to be the elution profile for all isotopomers formed from a single charge state of a molecule), that have been measured/quantified.
SmallMoleculeFeature.HeaderPrefixEnum |
The small molecule feature table header prefix.
SmallMoleculeFeature.PrefixEnum |
The small molecule feature table row prefix.
SmallMoleculeFeature.Properties |
Property enumeration for SmallMoleculeFeature.
SmallMoleculeSummary |
The small molecule summary section is table-based, represented summarized quantitative information across assays and study variables, grouped by identification in rows.
SmallMoleculeSummary.HeaderPrefixEnum |
The small molecule table header prefix.
SmallMoleculeSummary.PrefixEnum |
The small molecule table row prefix.
SmallMoleculeSummary.Properties |
Property enumeration for SmallMoleculeSummary.
Software |
Software used to analyze the data and obtain the reported results.
Software.Properties |
Property enumeration for Software.
SpectraRef |
Reference to a spectrum in a spectrum file, for example a fragmentation spectrum has been used to support the identification.
SpectraRef.Properties |
Property enumeration for SpectraRef.
StudyVariable |
Specification of study_variable.
StudyVariable.Properties |
Property enumeration for StudyVariable.
Uri |
A URI pointing to the file’s source data (e.g., a MetaboLights records) or an external file with more details about the study design.
Uri.Properties |
Property enumeration for Uri.
ValidationMessage |
ValidationMessage.CategoryEnum |
Gets or Sets category
ValidationMessage.MessageTypeEnum |
Gets or Sets messageType
ValidationMessage.Properties |
Property enumeration for ValidationMessage.